

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



通过对英语商务信函的词法和句法的语言特点以及相应的翻译技巧的分析,找出在对外贸易交际中所使用的、与面对面交际及日常信件不同的商务信函的词汇特征和句法特征, 以提高商务英语学习者与商务活动从业者对商务英语信函词汇正确应用能力。希望有助于商务英语信函的教与学及对外贸易从业者的商务信函写作。
The Stylistic Features and Translation Skills
of Business English Letter

Abstract: As the tool of special business contacts, business English letters have the characteristics which are different from common English. At the same time, its translation is different from the one of common English
Through the analysis of the lexical, syntactic characteristics and the corresponding translation skills of business English letter, this paper finds out the specific lexical and syntactic features of business English letter exchanged in foreign trade, which is different from both face-to-face interactions and everyday letters. Meanwhile, for the Business English learners and the business practitioners, it can approve their applying ability of using of lexicon in business English letters. As a result, the teaching and learning of business English letters and the practical writing of business letters for the businessman in foreign trade can get some help.
Key words: Business English letter; Lexical features; Syntactic features; Translation skills

