

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



托马斯·哈代是19世纪英国杰出的小说家、诗人。他的作品《德伯家的苔丝》讲述了一个纯洁善良的农村姑娘苔丝悲惨的人生故事,苔丝是善良的、纯洁的,她希望能用自己的双手追寻幸福的人生,然而最后却以悲剧结束。本文主要分为四个部分, 第一部分主要是对作者和作品的简要介绍,同时笔者提出了整篇文章的主题、结构及研究意义;第二部分着重概述了前人对苔丝人物性格的分析;在第三部分笔者分别从人性、女性独立、哈代的宿命论、社会阶级、法律以及经济多个角度对苔丝的人物性格进行分析;最后笔者对整篇文章进行总结并提出自己的观点,不仅使读者对哈代的人生哲学和社会思想有了进一步的了解,也使苔丝的人物形象更富有色彩性。

Thomas Hardy is a famous British novelist and poet in 19th century. His work, Tess of the D’Urbervilles, is a story about the tragic life of the country girl Tess. Tess is kind, pure, and she wants to pursue a happy life through her own effort, but she winds up with the tragedy. The article is divided into four parts. In the first part, the author makes a general introduction of Hardy and the work, and puts forward the main idea and the organization of the thesis. In the second part, some previous analysis are stated. Then, the author analyses Tess’s characters from various views of humanity, female independence, Hardy’s Fatalism, social class, law and economy in the third part. In the end, the author makes a conclusion of the article and states some views. This paper not only makes the readers receive further understanding on Hardy’s philosophy and social thought, but also makes Tess’s characters more colorful.

Key Words: various views; characters; analysis

