

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




On the Supervision Mechanism of Local Administrative Legislation
    ABSTRACT:The local administrative legislation mainly consists of the relatively perfect and normative legal documents formulated by the local administrative organs with administrative legislative power. The local administrative legislation is a kind of abstract administrative act, which is seldom used and the actual operation is more difficult. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the opposite party, we must give full play to the function of supervision of administrative legislation, and must improve the corresponding supervision system, standardize and control the use of administrative power, and promote the realization of the purpose of administration according to law. This article mainly from the overview of local administrative legislation, through the analysis of the status of the supervision of local administrative legislation and the existing problems, put forward the improvement of local administrative legislation supervision system, in order to implement the supervision of administrative legislation plays a certain role in promoting.

    KEY WORDS:Local administrative legislation; Supervision; Perfect;


   引言 1
一、地方行政立法监督的概念和特点 1
(一)地方行政立法监督的概念 1
(二)地方行政立法监督的特点 1
二、我国地方行政立法监督的现状和存在的问题 2
(一)我国地方行政立法监督的现状 2
(二)我国地方行政立法监督存在的问题 2
三、行政立法监督的外国经验 4
(一)通过立法明确规定行政立法能涉及到的领域 4
(二)监督机制健全完备,运行顺畅 4
四、完善我国地方行政立法监督的建议 4
(一)完善监督的程序,加大地方人大的监督力度 4
(二)建立行政立法问责制,加强行政机关的内部监督 5
结语 6
注释 6
参考文献 6

