

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


中国上市保险公司投资价值分析 随着近年来中国民众保险意识的逐步提升,保险行业在国内发展势头日趋良好,保险行业的投资价值也随着行业前景的看好而逐步提升。为了更好的了解保险行业以及发掘保险公司潜在的投资价值,通过宏观经济环境分析,再加上对在国内上市的四家保险公司的年报进行分析,以期对中国上市保险公司的投资价值进行一个初步的估计和判断。主要通过保险公司的经营概况、财务报表和企业年度报告进行分析,进一步通过内含价值分析来大致推定保险公司的投资价值。
 The Analysis on Investment Value of Listed Insurance Company in China
Abstract: With people’s conscious of the importance of insurance awaken, the insurance industry has embraced the ascend trend for years, the investment value of insurance company increased as well. In order to get a better acknowledge of the insurance industry and to gain the potential investment value, we combine the marco-economic environment with the analysis of the annual report of the four listed insurance company in China, hoping that we could have an initial estimate of the investment value. We mainly use the general operation situation, financial statements and the annual report to run the analysis process, plus with the embedded value analysis, after all the process, we should have a presumption of the investment value of the insurance company.
Keywords: Listed Insurance Company; Investment Value; Embedded Value

