

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



随着十九大对依法治国的进一步强调,公民的法制观念也不断得到强化。在 2015年新修改的《行政诉讼法》实施后,行政不作为的案件仍存在不少,行政不作为的理论与实践问题日益突显,需要尽快予以解决。行政不作为的司法救济方式简单,在可操作性上存在不完善的情况,在行政诉讼、国家赔偿上存在较多的缺陷,比如受案范围过窄、起诉期限起点设置不合理等问题,建议结合西方国家的先进经验,对我国的行政不作为的司法审查从拓宽行政不作为案件的受案范围、明确行政不作为的起诉期限、修改《国家赔偿法》中有关行政不作为的具体规定。

Judicial Relief of Administrative Nonfeasance
ABSTRACT:With the further emphasis on governing the country according to law in the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the concept of legal system of citizens has been constantly strengthened. After the implementation of the newly revised Administrative procedure Law in 2015, there are still many cases of administrative omission. The theoretical and practical problems of administrative omission are becoming increasingly prominent and need to be resolved as soon as possible. The judicial remedy for administrative omission is simple, the operation is not perfect, and there are many defects in administrative litigation and state compensation. For example, the scope of accepting cases is too narrow, the starting point of prosecution period is not reasonable, and so on. It is suggested that combining the advanced experience of western countries, the judicial review of administrative omission in our country should broaden the scope of accepting cases of administrative omission and clarify the time limit for the prosecution of administrative omission. To amend the specific provisions on administrative omission in the State compensation Law.
KEYWORDS: Administrative omission; Judicial remedy; State compensation; Current situation; Suggestions for perfection;

