

全文字数:19000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



The impact of anxiety on fear generation has been a controversial topic in the latest researches. Nearly all of the previous studies focused mainly on observing the differences in fear generation comparing anxious and non-anxious individual, which were affected by some potential etiological factors and developed different result. Nevertheless, anxiety should be induced in healthy individuals experimentally, so that to provide evidence for a causal link between anxiety and fear generation.
An experiment was designed including thirty-eight healthy participants employing in a generalization paradigm consisted of habituation, acquisition and generation phases, at the same time subject risk-expectancy and SCR were rated online. Before generation phase, all of the participants were exposed to an adverse video or a neutral one(control condition) then subjective anxiety was measured. The quasi-randomly presented rings of gradually increasing size, with extreme sizes serving as conditioned danger cues(CS+) and conditioned safety cues(CS-), while the intermediary size as generalization stimuli(GS).
The results revealed that an adverse video increased state anxiety. Anxiety group displayed stronger generalization than comparison subjects. The findings show a marked tendency toward fear overgeneralization in an anxious state and modify a methodology for the generalization paradigm and also give some putative mechanism basis of fear conditioning.

Key Words: fear conditioning, fear

