

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



   本论文集中分析了《远大前程》一书中的主要人物皮普的最初期望和幻想破灭后新的期望。在天真无邪的童年, 他一心只想成为像他姐夫一样的铁匠的少年; 到青春期, 他不安心自己的铁匠生涯,一心想进入上流社会,娶富家养女艾丝黛拉为妻;幻想破灭后,他认识到自己原先鄙弃的下层社会的美德,开始走上新的生活道路。


      This present paper concentrates on an analysis of the main character Pip’s original expectations and new expectations after disillusionments in the novel Great Expectations. In his naïve childhood, he wants to become a blacksmith intently just like his brother-in-law; till his adolescence, he discontents his blacksmith career, and only intends to be one of the upper-class in order to get married with Estella, a rich adoptive girl; after the disillusionment, he realizes his abandoned previous low-class’s virtues and he starts his new life path.
      To support this thesis, this paper is divided into five parts. The first part gives a brief introduction to the author and novel; the second part makes an analysis of the different future expectations in Pip’s different terms according to the time sequence; the third part makes an analysis of Pip’s disillusionment according to the time sequence; the fourth part is to analyze Pip’s new expectations due to self-improvement after disillusionments; the fifth part is the conclusion, restating the thesis of the paper.

Key words: expectation; love; perseverance; disillusionment

