

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



马克·吐温是 19 世纪美国最为伟大的作家之一,其代表作《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》更是被海明威誉为“一切美国现代文学之始”。该论文主要通过叙述一个普通,纯真,野性的白人13岁小孩逃离所谓的“文明社会”的一系列冒险经历的自由之旅,集中分析了主人公哈克的自由思想。


Mark Twin is one of the greatest 19th century writers of America, and his most famous work is The Adventures of Huckberry Fin, regarded by Ernest Hemingway as the novel from which “all modern American literature comes”. This essay mainly focuses on the tour of freedom of Huck who is a wild, innocent white boy who escapes from the so called “civilized society” with a series of adventures, and it mainly analyses Huck’s free spirit.
To support this thesis, the paper is divided into four parts. The first part mainly gives a brief introduction to the novel and the author Mark Twin; the second part makes an analysis of the Huck’s free pursuit of freedom; the third part elaborates Huck’s spiritual growth on his tour of freedom; the fourth part is conclusion, confirming the positive meaning of his free spirit.

Key words: tour of freedom; free spirit; Huckberry Finn

