化妆品是一种独特的商品,化妆品说明书是属于实用科技英语范畴内,在2012年,国外化妆品包括进口和合资生产的产品,已经占据中国化妆品市场的80%,比2002年同比增长20%. 大量的国外品牌涌入中国,针对于这一市现象,公司要解决的首要问题就是怎样让广大的消费者知晓带有英文说明书的外国化妆品。如果汉译地恰到好处,对于经营者来说,既迎合了消费者的购买需求 又有可能得到顾客的青睐。
对于化妆品说明书这种独特的文体特征,功能以及组成要素,翻译者应该灵活地采用翻译策略。本文的主要翻译理论是目的论,其中包括目的性法则、连贯性法则、忠实性法则.因为本文所研究的目的语环境是中国,所以至今归化翻译法是不二首选。本文将实例分析化妆品说明书汉译的翻译,结合其策略趋势和特点进行深入分析。目的论翻译不仅翻译了信息, 而且把源文本的精髓根据目的语环境而翻译, 尤其是商业文体的翻译提供了一个全新的视角。
Domesticating Translation Strategy of E-C Translation about Cosmetic Instructions
Cosmetic is a kind of unique commodity, whose instructions are usually categorized into practical English for science and technology. In 2012, foreign cosmetic commodities take 80% of proportion in Chinese cosmetics market, which increased year-on-year by 20%. With a mountain of foreign cosmetic brands pouring into China ,the first question to solve is how to make Chinese customers understand the foreign cosmetics with English constructions. It would gain popularity if the translation cater to the buying demands.
As for cosmetic instructions, which have their own special stylistic feature , functions and components, the translation of it should be adopted flexibly. The main theory is Skopostheorie which will be introduced in this paper. It is composed by Skopos Rule, Coherence Rule and Loyalty Rule will be illustrated in this paper during the E-C translation progress. The target language environment of this research is China, therefore, Domesticating Translation is the dominant method until now. Domesticating Translation Strategies for cosmetic instructions with its tendency and features will be analyzed under a series of conditions based on Skopostheorie.
Key words: E-C Translation of Cosmetic Instructions, Domesticating Translation, Skopostheorie