

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


本文通过采用语篇分析,信息收集,对比分析法,将文章分为五部分,包括引言,主体和结论。引言部分说明了本文的研究背景,目的,意义,方法及论文结构。第二章为文献综述,第一部分分析了电影字幕的相关研究和发展。第二部分介绍了文化负载词的相关知识。第三章为理论框架,全面介绍了关联理论对字幕指导作用及奈达文化分类法。第四章为主体分析部分,以电影《孔子》为例。将影片中文化负载词分为五类,针对关联理论的基本精神提出翻译策略. 结论部分则对全文进行总结,得出研究结论和提出今后研究建议并指出研究中不足之处,强调关联理论指导下文化词的翻译方法并结合字幕特点并使观众以最小的努力充分欣赏影片。本文具有研究意义,文献和资料充足,理论明确,具有研究可行性。
关键词:关联理论, 文化负载词, 电影字幕翻译, 最佳关联, 《孔子》
 On English Translation of Cultural Words in Movie Subtitles from the Perspective of Relevance Theory——A Case Study of Chinese Movie Confucius
Film , as a cultural form with the characteristic of popularity, universality, and diffusibility, has become the vanguard of global cultural communication today. Movie subtitle translation have taken an important position in translation field. Because of the differences cognitions, values between different background audiences, The translation of cultural words in subtitles have became a problem. The aim of translator is to get other background audiences understand Chinese cultural words easily and timely. The thesis takes Chinese cultural epic movie Confucius as an example, expressing and reasoning translation strategies which were taken by translators to get the optimal relevance under the angle of relevance theory. Aiming to use proper theory to get optimal relevance and guide translation, advance its methods and skills and improve its quality.
By taking the methods of discourse analysis, information collection and comparative analysis, The thesis is divided into five parts, including introduction, three chapter and  conclusion. The introduction presents the research background, purpose, methodology and thesis structure. Chapter two is literature review, the first section mainly analyzing the research development of subtitle, the second section introduces cultural words. Chapter three is theoretical framework, this chapter introduces the guidance of relevance theory and Nida’s cultural factor classification. Chapter four is analyzing part, taking Confucius as examples,the cultural words in the movie have been divided into five groups, basic translation strategies have been put forward according to the spirits of relevance theory. The conclusion part summarized whole paper, getting research conclusion, pointing out limitations, suggestions, restating the translation strategies of cultural words under the guidance of relevance theory. Making audience put smallest efforts to fully understand the movie combining with subtitles’ features. The paper is feasible because of its significance, sufficient information and specific theory.
Key words: relevance theory, cultural words, movie subtitle translation, optional relevance,           Confucius

