
金融英语论文:中国的股票指数期货对股市市场价格波动的影响分析Analysis of the Chin

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


中国的股票指数期货对股市市场价格波动的影响分析Analysis of the China's Stock Index Futures influence on the stock market price volatility

中国的股票指数期货对股市市场价格波动的影响分析Analysis of the China's Stock Index Futures influence on the stock market price volatility

    本文主要是在查阅了国内外有关股指期货相关资料基础上,借助南华期货仿真模拟、大智慧国泰君安版等操盘软件,运用量化分析、EVIEWS 3.1等工具,配合详实的图片数据例证,在导师的悉心指导下进行研究。

The thesis begins with the theoretical foundation of Stock Index Futures (SIF). Take China’s Shanghai 300 Stock Index Futures (IF) contract as example, analyze the price volatility influence of SIF on the China’s stock market from overseas futures markets. And thus, revealing the price volatility relationship between our country’s simulation stock market and the spot stock market. Upon these basis, the thesis further analyze the possible impact of the introduction of IF on China’s stock market price volatility, and reach a conclusion finally.
This thesis is based on the survey of Stock Index Futures related studies in and out the country. With the help of Nanhua simulation trading market software, DZH internet stock software, quantitative analysis, and EVIEWS 3.1 etc, supplied with detailed pictures and figures, implementing my research under the strict guidance of instructors.
As China's stock market is a very special one, it’s normal and necessary that China's futures market price fluctuations of the stock may be greater than the spot market price volatility. Quick response of futures to new information will dominate the market price-discovering; it will enlarge the stock market volatility in short term. And more arbitrage opportunities will appear when Shanghai 300 Stock Index futures contract officially launched. However, whether IF could inhibit Shanghai Composite Index’s wide price concussion nowadays or not still calls for the test of time. In summary, which overseas experiences also shown that, before and after IF launch, the overall price trends of the stock market is declining after rising and go up in long term. The launch of IF can enhance the information capacity of the stock market, increasing the transparency, and improve China’s securities market to a large extent.

Key words: Stock Index Futures, Shanghai 300 Stock Index Futures contract, “lead-lag” hypothesis, price volatility impact

