

全文字数:9500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


随着全球化步伐不断加快,各类国际间经济、政治、文化交流活动也不断深入开展。口译作为消除沟通障碍的工具应运而生。 在中国,改革开放不断深入,传媒信息科技技术不断进步,各类访谈节目也越来越受到人们的喜爱。当然,来自各行各业的外国精英们也会被邀请参与访谈。因此,对于访谈口译人员的需求也在不断增加。但是,与口译蓬勃发展之势不同的是,对于访谈口译的研究数量却相当少。生态翻译学是由胡庚申教授提出。它是指译员必须从不同方面不同层次适应翻译生态环境并做出相应的选择。在访谈口译中,译员为了传达精准的信息以及表现说随着全球化步伐不断加快,各类国际间经济、政治、文化交流活动也不断深入开展。口译作为消除沟通障碍的工具应运而生。 在中国,改革开放不断深入,传媒信息科技技术不断进步,各类访谈节目也越来越受到人们的喜爱。当然,来自各行各业的外国精英们也会被邀请参与访谈。因此,对于访谈口译人员的需求也在不断增加。但是,与口译蓬勃发展之势不同的是,对于访谈口译的研究数量却相当少。生态翻译学是由胡庚申教授提出。它是指译员必须从不同方面不同层次适应翻译生态环境并做出相应的选择。在访谈口译中,译员为了传达精准的信息以及表现说话人的意图,必须采取适当的翻译方法解决访谈口译中的难题。生态翻译学是本文研究访谈口译的理论框架。笔者主要介绍了生态翻译学的起源,以及着重介绍了适应与选择学说。在理论基础上,笔者重点研究在生态翻译学的指导下,根据访谈口译特征,结合实例提出访谈口译方法。最后指出了全文不足之处,希望今后更多人在此领域进行更深入的研究来指导今后访谈口译实践。
On Tactics of Interview interpreting in Light of Eco-translatology
As the tool of eliminating communication barrier, interpreting appears. In China, with the development of reform and opening up and advances of media and information technology, various interview programs have been popular among people. It is easily known that foreign elites from a variety of professional fields would be invited to the interview. Therefore, demands for interview interpreters are increasing. However, in contrast to the rapid development of interpretation, studies of interview interpreting are few in number. Eco-translatology is proposed by Professor Hu Gengshen. It manifests that the translator should adapt to the translational eco-environment from different aspects on different levels and make selections accordingly. In interview interpreting, the translator should adopt proper translational method to deal with difficulties in order to convey the correct information and reflect the speaker’s intention. Eco-translatology is the theoretical framework of interview interpreting in this paper. The author mainly introduces its origin, the theory of adaption and selection. Based on the theoretical bases, the author focuses on the tactics of interview interpreting with examples in accordance with the features of interview interpreting under the guidance of Eco-translatology. In the end, the author points out the limitations of this paper, and hopes that more profound researches should be conducted on interview interpreting to guide the practice.
Key words:  interview interpreting; eco-translatology; interpreting tactics

