
金融英语论文:关于信用卡风险及其管理策略研究A research on credit card ri

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


关于信用卡风险及其管理策略研究A research on credit card risk and its governance strategy

在当今社会, 信用卡本质上是一种循环信贷, 自从1946年诞生至今, 信用卡产业获得了巨大的发展。 对于全球的银行业来说,信用卡是他们主要的业务和重要的收入来源。
随着信用卡产业的发展, 信用卡风险发生的频率越来越大, 由此产生的损失也越来越多。 因此, 信用卡的风险防范十分重要。
然而, 中国的银行正处于改革阶段,缺乏一种有效的机制来系统地辨别、衡量和管理信用卡风险。经过长期的实践, 国外的银行已经形成了一套先进有效的管理理念,获得了丰富的实践经验。通过借鉴这些先进的理念和风险管理经验,我们可以改善措施和管理的能力。

关键词(本论文范文的主要论点):信用卡, 信用卡风险, 风险分析, 管理措施

The modern credit card is one of the recurring consumption loans in essence. Since its born in 1946, credit card business has achieved enormous development in the world. The credit card service is the main business and major source of profit in many international banks. With the development of credit card business, the frequency of credit card risk becomes serious and the loss of credit risk is more and more great. Therefore, the management of credit card risk is very important.
However, the banks in China during reforming stage lack a mechanism to systematically identify, evaluate and control the credit card risks. Through long-term practice, foreign banks has developed a valid and advanced managerial ideology and accumulated rich experiences. By referring to those senior ideologies and advanced risk management experiences from the advanced foreign banks, we can improve our strategy and ability to manage credit card risk.
The measures to tackle credit card risk generally can be divided into Risk aversion, risk prevention, risk transfer and risk compensation and so on. After taking effective measures, the bank can reduce or avoid credit card risk and increase the performance of the credit card business, the merchant can increase sales, the cardholder can get convenience, and the whole economy can be on the sound development rout.
In my thesis, firstly, I introduce the history of the bank card,describe the present situation of the credit card business, and list the 3 development stages of bank card in China. Secondly, I explain the meaning and effect of the management of bankcard. Thirdly, I write the different types of credit card risk, and I specify these risk one by one in detail. Fourthly, I introduce the strategy of credit card risk management, after referring to the senior ideologies and advanced risk management experiences from the advanced foreign banks. Lastly, I get conclusion and make some suggestion。

Key words: Credit cards, Credit card risk, Risk analysis, Management strategy

