

全文字数:8000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


保守还是牺牲—对《丧钟为谁而鸣》的研究Conservative or Sacrifice—Reaction to For Whom the Bell Tolls

In 1940 Hemingway published a novel that reflected the Spanish Civil War For Whom the Bell Tolls, Chinese and foreign critics seething, mixed.Hemingway is a famous American writer in the last century,experienced the war, had rich social experience,his words were far-reaching. He is a representative of the lost generation of contemporary American Writers. He wrote many famous literary works, such as The Old Man and The Sea, The works has shown confusion and hesitation of the life, the world, and the community. For Whom the Bell Tolls is an anti war novel by Hemingway. The novel is mainly about the author's hatred of war, he made a powerful attack on the war in this novel. Compared with Hemingway's previous works, it is found that Hemingway's understanding of the war in this novel has risen to another level
The novel For Whom the Bell Tolls is not a positive description of the Republican Government's fight against fascism, write a column of American international volunteers Robert—Jordan deep behind enemy lines, contact with the mountain guerrillas, blow up a bridge, with the offensive by government forces, to prevent the enemy reinforcements. Jordan with guerrillas, overcome difficulties, and finally completed the destruction of the bridge. Plain and extensive is the language features of Hemingway's extensive, but in For Whom the Bell Tolls was overdone. Some guerrillas under his pen had a good political, psychological quality, but foulmouthed, caused great resentment intolerable to the ear, the Spanish critics. Even the educated protagonist Jordan. The curse may not be less than the streets women. Of course he is in the heart not scold, otherwise it will export to the lecturer at University of Montana is not worth a penny. People look like some description in my opinion is not desirable.The structure of the novel is very compact, the hero Jordan's activities from Saturday afternoon to the valley area to inspect the terrain began, to the dawn of the bridge after Wednesday to cover the guerrillas retreat, However, the author think, supplemented by the characters in the novel with memories, between the guerrillas and the regular army, the front and rear, the army and the people, and the fight against fascist Spain in the early days of the revolution of the future, all for show in the reader before the limit.
The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter analyzes the image and character of the main characters in the thesis; the second chapter analyzes the contradictions from the different angles; the third chapter combines the background of the book and Hemingway himself, get insights, we can find the meaning of love, devotion and being, and reflection on war, realize the cruelty of war, and the desire for peace. Hemingway through careful arrangement, described emphatically the ugliness of the war. In this paper, the main highlight of the war on the trampling of human nature, the war made people lose their human nature, strongly attacked the crimes of war.

Key words: being; war; dedication
摘 要
海明威1940年发表了反映西班牙内战的长篇小说《丧钟为谁而鸣》, 中外评论界沸沸扬扬,褒贬不一。海明威是上世纪美国著名作家,亲身经历战争,社会履历丰富,作品影响深远,是美国当代著名作家迷惘的一代的代表。他写了很多非常著名的文学作品,比如《老人与海》等,作品中对人生、世界、社会都表现出了迷茫和彷徨。《丧钟为谁而鸣》是厄纳斯特—海明威的一部反战小说。该小说主要表达的是作者对战争的憎恶, 在作品中作者对战争进行了有力的抨击。和海明威之前的作品相比,发现海明威在这部作品中对战争的认识上升到了另一个高度。


