

全文字数:8000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


论英文歌曲名称的翻译 英语歌曲名称的翻译是一项及其重要且富有创造性的工作。英文歌曲名称虽然简单短小,却概括出了整首歌曲的所有重要信息并能够很好的吸引听众的注意力,好的歌曲译名甚至还能使名曲佳作得到广泛的流传。
A Study On English Song Titles Translation
     English song titles translation is a very important and creative job. Though short and concise, song titles epitomize all the important information of the songs and they are very helpful in drawing listeners' attention. A marvelous song title even can make a song become classic and popular.
     Good English song title is a feast for people's eyes, but there are still many wrong, cheap, fusty English song titles in this fast cultural and economic developing society. The reason why is that translators do not follow the principles of English translation, such as "Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance" of Yan Fu. At the same time, translators should also use the methods of English song titles translation: transliteration, literal translation, liberal translation, compiled translation and addition.
     Translators can translate English song titles marvelous only after they have some perfect methods and theories of English song titles translation and mature skills of translation.   
Key Words: English song title, method of translation, principle of translation

