

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


从功能对等理论看美国电视字幕的娱乐重写——以《两个破产的女孩》为例Entertainment Rewrite of American TV’s Subtitle From the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory—Take Two Broke Girls for Example

Subtitle translation is an emerging field under the effect of the globalization, intercultural communication and advanced technology. Subtitles make the target audience get basic information about the lines, while enjoying the authentic foreign cultures. Subtitle translation is a process of cross-cultural communication. In this process, cultural differences often cause many difficulties in understanding to the target language readers. Especially in view of the current popular "US drama hot", the young people as the main group of audiences prefer buzzword which needs the translator to understand different cultures, to reach some kind of consensus, and try to eliminate barriers between different cultures.

 US TV series are popular among Chinese, especially young people. The subtitle translation has become important and urgent. Although scholars have researched subtitle translation from different aspects, there are still many shortages, such as no effective theory and systematic methods. Many scholars have researched on subtitle translation strategies, but only a small part of them paid attention to US TV series. The objective of my research is to sum up the entertainment rewrite of American TV’s subtitle translation from the perspective of pragmatic presupposition and search an effective way to rewrite the subtitle. Subtitle should be translated in different methods and use diverse words to make audiences understand better. What’s more, the intent of the work and the expected results could be conveyed vividly.

1.Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Thesis 1
1.2 Significance and Objective of the Research 2
1.3 Methods of the Research 2
1.4 The Structure of the Thesis 3
2. Literature Review 3
2.1A General Introduction of Subtitle Translation 3
2.1.1 The Definition of Subtitle 3
2.1.2 Classifications of Subtitle 4
2.1.3 The Features and Limitations of Subtitle Translation 5
2.2 Studies on Subtitle Translation at Home and Abroad 6
3. Theoretical Framework 7
3.1 Overview of Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory 7
3.1.1A Brief Review of Nida and His Work 7
3.1.2 Main Contents of Functional Equivalence Theory 8
3.1.3 The Principle of Functional Equivalence 8
3.2 The Possibility and Necessity of Functional Equivalence Theory in Subtitle Translation 9
4. Analysis on the Entertainment Rewrite of Subtitle Translation in the The Two Broke Girls Based on Functional Equivalence Theory 10
4.1 A Brief Review of Two Broke Girls 10
4.2 Analysis of  Entertainment Rewrite in Subtitle Translation of Two Broke Girls 11
4.2.1 The Entertainment Rewrite from cultural aspect 11
4.2.2 The Entertainment Rewrite from Social Background aspect 12
4.2.3The Entertainment Rewrite from linguistic aspect 14
4.3 Summary 16
5.Conclusion 16
5.1 Major Findings 16
5.2 Limitation of the Study 16
Bibliography 17

