

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年







When the public listed companies make earnings management in order to avoid loss, or smooth earnings, they often tend to use extraordinary items. However, when extraordinary gains and losses becomes an important part of returned earnings, it will lower the reliability of the financial data and affect the decision efficiency of the information users.
Along with the issuance and implementation of the New Accounting Standards, China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) also revised the disclosure regulations of extraordinary gains and losses accordingly, in order to control the behavior of earnings management using extraordinary gains and losses.
By analyzing the effect of the New Accounting Standards and related regulations on extraordinary gains and losses, the writer holds the opinion that they will improve the transparency of the financial data in some extent, but they can’t put an end to earnings management because of the existence of information asymmetry. In addition, the writer makes some suggestions which we can all make efforts to control the behavior of earnings management using extraordinary gains and losses.

Key Words:Extraordinary Gains and Losses, Earnings Management, New Accounting Standards, Public Listed Companies, Information Disclosure
目  录
摘要(本论文范文的论文综述)…………………………………………………………………………… 2
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………… 3
引言…………………………………………………………………………… 4
1非经常性损益盈余管理概述……………………………………………… 4
1.1 盈余管理的概念…………………………………………………… 4
1.2 非经常性损益的概念……………………………………………… 5
1.3 我国对非经常性损益披露规范的历史沿革……………………… 6
1.4 文献综述…………………………………………………………… 7
2 上市公司运用非经常性损益进行盈余管理的现状……………………… 8
3 新企业会计准则的实施对非经常性损益披露的影响…………………… 9
3.1 新会计准则对非经常性损益的披露具有双重影响……………… 9
3.2 缩小了运用非经常性损益进行盈余管理的空间………………… 10
3.3 存在运用非经常性损益进行盈余管理的新的可能性…………… 11
4 上市公司通过非经常性损益进行盈余管理的主要动机………………… 12
4.1 委托代理关系及信息不对称是盈余管理存在的根本原因……… 12
4.2 上市公司管理者进行盈余管理的主要具体目的………………… 13
5 遏制上市公司通过非经常性损益进行盈余管理的努力方向…………… 14
5.1 从计量和披露两个角度来规范非经常性损益的报告行为……… 14
5.2 发展强化独立中介机构的监督作用……………………………… 14
5.3 积极探索提高会计信息披露质量的其他新模式………………… 15
6 结论………………………………………………………………………… 15
参考文献……………………………………………………………………… 16

