

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





The current cross-strait relations are significant positive changes. Western Shore Economic Zone of China's coastal economic zone approved as an important component. Taiwan-related trade in May 2009, unprecedented prosperity, and Taiwan-funded enterprises and increasing the demand for funds, the original financing channels are increasingly unable to meet the needs of business development for capital, financing difficulties in Taiwan-funded enterprises has become a major problem facing the operation and development.This paper analyzes the financial status of the mainland-Taiwan-funded enterprises to explore the barriers to the formation of Taiwan-funded enterprise financing causes and solutions through a number of programs presented.
Abstract 3
台资企业融资问题研究 4
1台资企业现有的融资渠道 4
1.1以台湾母公司或私人股东名义,争取台湾银行贷款 5
1.2借用两岸三地的资本市场,借壳上市融资 6
1.3以特殊资产作抵押,向大陆银行就地融资 6
2 融资成本比较 6
2.1比较指标 7
2.2两大融资渠道成本比较 8
3台资企业现存的融资障碍 9
3.1从商业银行融资的障碍 9
3.2台资企业自身素质和经营观念导致的融资障碍 10
3.3宏观经济政策引发的融资障碍 11
4融资障碍的经济学分析 11
4.1信用担保能力低对台资企业融资的约束 11
4.2银行放款成本高对台资企业融资的约束 13
5台资企业融资障碍的解决途径 14
5.1畅通商业银行融资渠道 15
5.2依靠产业基金会融资 17
参考文献 18

