

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




Wu Jing's film War Wolf II won $873 million at the box office, ranking sixth in the world's best films. It is not only a miracle of China's film and television industry, but also the first Chinese film to shine in the global rankings. With the development of multimedia technology, multimodal discourse analysis has gradually become one of the hot spots in linguistic research. Based on Halliday's systemic functional linguistics theory and related research, Professor Zhang Delu proposed a comprehensive theoretical framework for multimodal discourse analysis. The framework includes four levels and subcategories, including: 1) cultural level; 2) context level; 3) content level; 4) expression level. This paper studies the subtitle translation of Wolf Warrior II from these four levels respectively, discusses the mutual cooperation between subtitle translation and multimodality in the movie, and analyzes how multimodal discourse analysis affects the subtitle translation of the movie. So as to help the audience in different cultural backgrounds better understand and appreciate the movie and promote the charm of human nature in the movie.
Key words: multimodal discourse analysis; Wolf WarriorⅡ; subtitle translation

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