

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



Critical Discourse Analysis,简称CDA,又称之为"批评性语篇分析"或"批评语言学",始自20世纪70年代末80年代初,旨在揭示话语与意识形态、权势和社会的关系,解释话语作为体现差异与不平等的复杂性。外语阅读教学一直在外语教学中占据十分重要的角色。一直以来,我们运用传统的分析方法进行阅读教学对学生的意识形态发展的影响十分有限,致使学生对文章的理解层次较低。因此,本文试图运用批评语言学的视角对人教版初中英语教材的部分文章进行及物性,情态,转换性分析,从而揭示培养中学生的批评意识,有助于提高中学生的阅读能力和理解层次,了解作者的创作意图,从而在思想意识上提高对文章的理解。
Critical Discourse Analysis, or CDA for short, also known as "Critical Discourse Analysis" or "Critical Linguistics", began in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and aimed to reveal the relationship between discourse and ideology, power and society  Explain discourse as a manifestation of the complexity of differences and inequality.  Foreign language reading teaching has always occupied a very important role in foreign language teaching. All along, we have used traditional analytical methods for reading teaching to have a very limited impact on the development of students 'ideology, resulting in a lower level of students' understanding of the article.  Therefore, this article attempts to use the perspective of critical linguistics to conduct a conversion, mood, and transitivity analysis of some articles in the junior middle school English textbooks of the People's Education Edition, so as to reveal that the cultivation of critical consciousness of middle school students is helpful to improve the reading ability and understanding of middle school students  Understand the author's creative intentions, thereby improving the understanding of the article in ideology.
Key words: critical discourse analysis; English reading ability; middle school students; linguistics.

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