

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


朱家峪古村落保护及旅游开发问题研究 古村落承载着岁月的沉淀,见证了历史的变迁,作为全国历史文化名村之一,朱家峪因其独特的历史风貌和完整的村落布局被誉为“齐鲁第一古村,江北聚落标本”。作为中国历史文化名村,朱家峪因其丰富的民俗资源,在民俗旅游盛行的背景下吸引了众多游客,但繁华背后也存在其开发过程的众多问题,要想实现朱家峪民俗旅游的可持续发展,在未来的民俗旅游竞争中占有一席之地,就需要剖析古村在开发过程中的问题,并制定符合朱家峪特色的发展战略。 关键词:朱家峪;发展历程;SWOT分析;活化保护;发展策略 Research on the Protection and Tourism Development of Zhujiayu ancient village ABSTRACT Ancient villages bear the precipitation of years and witness the historical changes. As one of the famous historical and cultural villages in China, Zhujiayu is known as "the first ancient village in Qilu and the specimen of Jiangbei settlement" for its unique historical features and complete village layout. As a famous historical and cultural village in China, Zhujiayu attracts many tourists because of its rich folk resources under the background of popular folk tourism. However, there are many problems in the development process behind the prosperity. In order to realize the sustainable development of Zhujiayu folk tourism and occupy a place in the future folk tourism competition, it is necessary to analyze the problems in the development process of the ancient village and make suggestions To formulate the development strategy in line with the characteristics of Zhujiayu. Keywords: Zhujiayu; Development history; SWOT analysis; Activation protection; Development strategy

