

全文字数:15000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


数字经济背景下甘肃智慧文旅发展策略分析 伴随着我国经济的飞速发展,以及中国经济的转型升级,数字经济已经在当前经济结构中占据重要位置。而文化旅游产业作为当前经济发展的一大支柱产业,在经历了2020年至今的新冠疫情打击之后,也面临着转型升级的迫切要求,面对数字经济的风口,文化旅游产业的转型升级有着更多的可能性,数字经济已经成为助力旅游全产业链发展的一个重要突破口,“科技+文化+旅游”融合发展的智慧文旅将成为旅游业新的发展趋势。甘肃作为我国文化旅游资源无比丰富的地区,是文化旅游转型升级的重要实验基地。本文分析了甘肃地区文旅融合发展状况,以及当地丰富的文化旅游资源,总结其数字文旅融合以及发展的主要措施,并提出甘肃文化旅游智慧发展的路径。 关键词:云技术;数字化;文旅融合;智慧文旅;发展策略   Analysis on the development strategy of Gansu smart cultural tourism under the background of digital economy ABSTRACT: Along with the rapid development of economy in our country, as well as the transformation and upgrading of China's economy, the digital economy already has an important position in the current economic structure And the cultural tourism industry as a pillar industry of China's current economic development, in 2020 to the present outbreak of the new champions league against, is faced with the urgent request of transformation and upgrading, in front of the digital economy, cultural tourism industry transformation and upgrading has more possibilities, digital economy become a boost tourism in the development of whole industry chain is an important breakthrough, The wisdom of science and technology, culture and tourism integration development, will become a new tourism development trend Gan S as areas of extremely rich cultural tourism resources in our country, is an important experimental base transformation and upgrading of the cultural tourism This paper analyzes the Gan Su region brigade fusion development condition, and the local rich cultural tourism resources, summarizes its digital text brigade fusion and development of the main measures, and pointed out that the development of cultural tourism in Gan Su province wisdom path. Keywords:Cloud Technology; Digitalize; Integration of Culture and tourism; Intelligent Culture and tourism; development strategy

