

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


浅析后疫情时代线上音乐节常态化运营可行性 音乐产业是文化产业的重要一环,音乐演出是音乐产业非常重要与常见的呈现形式,而音乐节无疑是近年来最炙手可热的音乐演出形式之一。在新冠疫情影响下,许多线下音乐节被迫关停,线上音乐节便以其独有的优势迅速接过音乐演出的大旗,依托互联网在线上展开了如火如荼的线上音乐演出。而随着后疫情时代的来临,线下音乐节逐渐回归到大众的视野,线上音乐节能否具有常态化运营的可行性?本文从线上音乐节的发展现状与发展内生驱动力出发,分析线上音乐节相较线下音乐节的优势与部分取代线下音乐演出的可能性,从而为音乐产业发展提供新的思路。 关键词:线上音乐节;后疫情时代;常态化 Feasibility analysis of normalized operation of online music festival in Post epidemic Era ABSTRACT Music industry is an important part of cultural industries, music performance is a very important and common form of music industry, and Music Festival is undoubtedly one of the most popular forms of music performance in recent years. Under the influence of the COVID-19 epidemic, many offline music festivals have been forced to shut down. With its unique advantages, the online music festival quickly took over the banner of music performance and launched online music performance in full swing relying on the Internet. With the advent of the post epidemic era, the offline music festival gradually returns to the public's view. Can the online music festival have the feasibility of normal operation? Based on the development status and endogenous driving force of online music festival, this paper analyzes the advantages of online music festival compared with offline Music Festival and the possibility of partially replacing offline music performance, so as to provide new ideas for the development of music industry. Keywords:online music festival;Post epidemic Era;normalization 目 录 一、线上音乐节概述 1 (一)线上音乐节概念界定 1 (二)后疫情时代线上音乐节发展现状 2 1.后疫情时代线上音乐节运营现状 2 2.后疫情时代线上音乐节运营劣势 3 二、后疫情时代线上音乐节常态化运营可行性分析 4 (一)后疫情时代线上音乐节常态化运营必然性 4 1.线上音乐发展趋势强烈 4 2.独立音乐出圈需要 5 3.线下音乐节竞争激烈 5 (二)后疫情时代线上音乐节常态化运营重要性 6 1.线下模式风险挑战增多 6 2.线上模式市场广阔 6 三、后疫情时代线上音乐节常态化运营发展策略 6 (一)完善发展线上音乐节运营机制 6 1.推动线上音乐节多元化发展 6 2.加快发展丰富线上音乐节相关技术 8 3.完善音乐版权保护和授权机制 9 (二)寻求政策支持 9 1.采取措施鼓励线上音乐节发展 9 2.出台一系列保障性政策 10 3.加强对线上音乐节运营的监管 10 (三)增强线上音乐节盈利能力 11 1.实行规模化运营 11 2.拓宽收入渠道 11 结语 11

