

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


新冠肺炎疫情下我国大众媒体的角色探析 我国新闻媒体作为党和人民的耳目喉舌,在突发的公共卫生事件中承担着重要的而不可替代的责任。新型冠状肺炎疫情是新近所突发的全球性的公共卫生事件,在疫情防控期间我国的大众媒体扮演着疫情信息的传达者、虚假谣言的粉碎者、社会情绪的抚慰者、社会舆论的引导者角色。但不能否认的是我国大众媒体在突发卫生公共事件中仍然存在着一些问题,如信息的传达速度不够快、辟谣的效率不够高等。 关键词:大众媒体;疫情防控;新冠肺炎;角色定位 Analysis on the role of mass media in China under the COVID-19 epidemic ABSTRACT China's news media, as the ears and mouthpiece of the Party and the people, assume an important and irreplaceable responsibility in the public health emergencies. The COVID-19 epidemic is a recent outbreak of global public health events. During the epidemic, Chinese mass media played the role of communicator of epidemic information, breaker of false rumors, consoler of social emotions, and leader of social ladder theory. However, it cannot be denied that there are still some problems in China's mass media in public health emergencies, such as the insufficient speed of information transmission and the insufficient efficiency of refuting rumors. Keywords:mass media; Epidemic prevention and control; COVID-19, role positioning 目录 一、绪论 1 ㈠研究背景及意义 1 ㈡国内外研究现状 1 ㈢研究方法 2 二、新冠肺炎疫情下大众媒体的角色分析 2 ㈠疫情信息的传达者 3 1.传达相关疫情信息 3 2.大众媒体疫情信息的传播方式 4 ㈡舆论的引导者 5 1.设置议题占领舆论场. 6 2实施舆论监督维护社会稳定 6 3.本土化舆论引导出奇效 6 ㈢民心的安抚者 7 1.消除疑虑安抚民心 7 2.正能量稳定“军心” 7 ㈣谣言的粉粹者 8 三、结语 8 参考文献 9

