基于一带一路背景下商务英语专业人才培养研究ABSTRACT As the Belt and Road initiative moves forward, China's increasingly close contacts with countries along the Belt and Road have brought many new opportunities to our country and the market. Meanwhile, with the development of trade with countries along the Belt and Road, the demand for Business English talents in China is gradually increasing, which is a challenge to the training mode of Business English talents in the new era. The traditional English talent training mode has been unable to meet the needs of the market, and Business English talents should develop in the direction of comprehensive and high quality. The market is in urgent need of high-quality talents who have both professional knowledge and practice. In the first chapter, the author will introduce the origin of the Belt and Road initiative and Business English major. In the second chapter, the author will analyze the requirement for Business English talents under the background of the Belt and Road initiative. In the third chapter, the author will analyze the current situation of talent cultivate. What’s more, in the final chapter, the author will propose the reforming strategies of Business English talents training Key words: talent training; Business English; The Belt and Road 摘 要 随着“一带一路”倡议的推进,我国与“一带一路”沿线国家和地区的贸易等各种往来越来越密切,给国家和市场带来了许多新的机遇。但是随着与“一带一路”沿线国家之间的贸易发展,我国对商务英语人才的需求也逐渐増加,在这一背景下商务英语人才培养面临着挑战,传统的商务英语人才培养模式已经无法满足市场的需求,商务英语人才应该更多的往综合型、高质量方向发展,市场急需专业知识又会实践的高素质人才。本文将从“一带一路”背景下对商务英语人才的需求变化入手,对目前人才培养的问题进行分析,并提出新时代背景下人才培养的策略。在第一章节中,主要介绍“一带一路”战略的起源以及目前发展状况和商务英语专业的发展状况;在第二章节中,主要介绍一带一路背景下对商务英语人才的要求;在第三章节中,对商务英语人才培养现状进行了分析;在最后一章,对商务英语人才培养策略给出了建议。 关键词:人才培养;商务英语;一带一路 CONTENTS Acknowledgements ii ABSTRACT iii 摘 要 iv Introduction 1 Chapter One 3 The Origin of the Belt and Road Initiative and Business English Major 3 Chapter Two 5 Requirements for Business English Talents under the Background of the Belt and Road Initiative 5 2.1 International Talents 5 2.2 Inter-disciplinary Talents 6 2.3 Applied Talents 6 Chapter three 7 Problems in the Cultivation of Talents of Business English 7 3.1 The Training of Business English Talents does not Match the Market Demand 7 3.2 Lacking of Flexibility in Training Business English Talents 7 3.3 Lacking of Professional Teachers for Business English Majors 8 3.4 Lacking of Practical Activities in the Process of Business English Teaching 9 Chapter Four 11 Strategies for Cultivating Professionals of Business English in Colleges and Universities under the Background of the Belt and Road 11 4.1 Cultivating Students' Strong Professional Knowledge 11 4.2 Training Goals to Meet the Talent Needs of the Belt and Road Initiative 12 4.3 Focusing on Cultivating Students' Abilities 13 4.4 Increasing Students' Practical Opportunities 14 4.5 Strengthening the Construction of Business English Professional Teachers 15 4.6 Cultivating Business English Talents with Humanistic Feelings 16 Conclusion 18 Works Cited 19