商务英语在在华外资企业管理中的实际应用ABSTRACT In the mid-1990s, large international chain companies began to enter the Chinese market on a large scale. This entry marks that the development of the international consortium in the Chinese market has reached the stage of grasping the final channel of the market. Since then, the number of foreign-funded enterprises in my country has gradually increased, and the scale has also gradually increased. In today's economic and technological globalization, business English is undoubtedly of great significance in foreign companies in China. With the rapid development of science and technology, and the ever-increasing business scale of the market, this globalization trend is almost inevitably. more and more companies have begun to turn their attention to overseas and develop overseas markets. Therefore, in this case, how companies should improve their employees’ business English ability and business English thinking has become an important issue. This paper aims at analysing the function of Business English in the in the management of foreign-funded enterprises in China. Through research, we can learn that business English plays an important role in the internal and external management of foreign-funded enterprises in China. Key words: Business English; business management; application; characteristics 摘 要 九十年代中期,国际大型连锁企业开始规模化地进入中国市场。这一进入标志着国际财团在中国市场的发展到了把握市场最终通道的阶段。从此开始,我国的外资企业数量逐步增多,规模也逐渐增大。 在经济科技全球化的今天,商务英语无疑在在华涉外企业中有着重要的意义,以我国如今如此迅猛发展、日新月异的科技发展以及市场越铺越大的商业规模,这种全球化趋势几乎是无可避免的,越来越多的企业开始把目光转向境外,开发海外市场,因而在这种情况下,企业应该如何提高员工自身的商务英语能力和商务英语思维变成了一项具有重要意义的内容。本文旨在探讨商务英语在中国外资企业管理中的作用。通过研究,我们可以发现商务英语在中国外资企业的内部和外部管理中均起着重要的作用。 关键词:商务英语;企业管理;应用;特点 CONTENTS Acknowledgements i ABSTRACT ii 摘 要 iii Introduction 1 Chapter One Relationship Between Business Management and Business English 3 1.1 The Social Significance of Business English 3 1.2 The Economic Significance of Business English 4 Chapter Two The importance of business English in Business Management 6 2.1 The role of business English in international trade 6 2.2 The role of business English in business negotiation 6 Chapter Three The Specific Application of Business English in Business Management 8 3.1 Application of business English among members of an enterprise 8 3.2 Application of Business English in the Process of Enterprise Foreign Trade 9 3.3 Application of new knowledge and skills in the industry 10 3.4 The Application of Business English in Corporate Correspondence 11 Chapter Four Raise Business English Ability in Management 14 4.1 The training of employees' business English ability 14 4.2 The corporate strategic of company's management 15 Conclusion 17 Works Cited 18