论中美新冠疫情应对措施所体现出的文化差异 ABSTRACT In the thousands of years of development, Chinese and Western civilizations gradually formed their own values under the influence of various factors, resulting in cultural differences. Under the influence of the COVID-19, countries in the world have adopted different measures and policies to deal with the epidemic, which also reflects the cultural differences of different countries. Based on the response measures of China and the United States in the COVID-19 epidemic, this thesis analyzes the political, economic and historical differences between the two countries, and the reasons for such differences are also explored. It is hoped that different countries and regions can communicate and understand each other, and the international community can work together to curb the spread of the epidemic. Key words: COVID-19 Epidemic; responses; cultural differences; China, the United States 摘要 中西方文明在几千年的发展中,经过各种因素的影响,逐渐形成了各自的价值观念,从而产生了文化差异。在此次新冠肺炎的影响下,各国采取了不同的措施和政策应对疫情,也体现了不同国家的文化差异。本文以新冠疫情中中美两国的应对措施为基点,分析两国在政治、经济、历史等方面所表现出的文化差异,并探讨这些差异的诱因。希望各个国家和地区能够互相理解,国际社会携手遏制疫情扩散。 关键词:新冠疫情;应对;文化差异;中国;美国 CONTENTS Acknowledgments……………………………………………………ii Abstract…………………………………………………………………iii Abstract in Chinese……………………………………………………iv Introduction…………………………………………………………….1 Chapter One Epidemic Situation and Response Measures………...3 I. Epidemic Situation……………………………………………….….3 II. Response Measures of China…………………………………….…4 III. Response Measures of the US……………………………………..5 Chapter Two Cultural Differences Reflected……………………..…6 I. Political Differences………………………………………………....6 II. Economic Differences…….………………………………………...9 III. Cultural Heritage Differences…………………………………….10 Chapter Three Reasons for the Differences………………………..12 I. Rules vs. Freedom………………………………………………….12 II. Acceptance vs. Resistance…………….………..............................13 III. Collectivism vs. Individualism…...………………………………13 Conclusion………….……………………………….………………….15 Works Cited……………………………………………………………16