

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



Analysis of marketing innovation in live webcast with goods
With the development of network information technology and the diversification of shopping methods, more and more consumers take online shopping as their first choice when they buy goods. In recent decades, online shopping has experienced the development process from nothing to existence and from existence to excellence. As an important form to show consumers the characteristics of goods, the marketing mode of online shopping has also changed from the original simple picture text to live video. The rapid development of live broadcasting with goods in the special environment during the epidemic period not only opened up the market for unsalable agricultural products at that time, but also became an important means of commodity marketing on the e-commerce platform. Live with goods combines the advantages of traditional offline shopping with the convenience of online shopping, which facilitates people's life and shopping, and is also a new exploration of future retail mode. This paper makes a brief analysis of the development of the current live broadcasting industry, finds out the problems existing in the current industry through SWOT analysis, and puts forward specific suggestions for the problems, so as to promote the healthy development of the live broadcasting industry in China.

Keywords:cross-border ecommerce;new retail;marketing planning

目  录
一、引言 1
二、直播带货行业发展现状 1
(一)传统电商向直播电商渗透 1
(二)线上到线下全行业直播 1
三、直播带货营销的SWOT分析 2
(一)优势 2
1、直播带货面向庞大的消费群体 2
2、直播带货易营造购物氛围,刺激消费 2
(二)劣势 2
1、直播带货主播素质参差不齐,错误价值观影响品牌形象 2
2、直播带货主播更新换代快,优胜劣汰竞争残酷 3
(三)机遇 3
1、发展机遇:5G技术逐渐落地,利于信息传递 3
2、服务提升:政策法规完善,直播带货平台日趋专业化 3
(四)挑战 4
1、直播带货产品质量层次不齐,品质难以保证 4
2、带货主播的不可复制性 4
四、直播带货模式的创新性分析 4
(一)直播带货是电商的继承和发展 4
(二)直播带货是新零售的前夜 5
(三)直播带货带动产业链升级 5
五、直播带货行业目前存在的问题 5
(一)行业消费主义文化引发非理性消费 5
(二)监管缺位导致行业乱象频出 6
1、商品的质量及售后问题 6
2、数据造假问题 6
3、直播主体行为界定不清晰 6
六、对直播带货行业发展的建议 7
(一)以产品为核心 7
(二)以用户体验为终极追求 7
(三)以新功能为自身定位 7
七、结语 8

