

全文字数:14000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



With the development of science, technology and information network, as well as entering the 5G era, the flow rate is constantly declining, and online shopping with mobile phones has become the choice of the vast majority of online shoppers. Affected by the epidemic in the first half of 2020, living at home has become one of the daily scenes. The emergence of the epidemic has, to a certain extent, promoted the penetration of live broadcast into the e-commerce field, making live broadcast and goods fully into the public life. What kind of business model supports the operation of live broadcast with goods? Based on the research of scholars on the business model of live broadcast with goods, this paper concludes that live broadcast with goods is a business model for the participants of live broadcast (anchors, MCN institutions, suppliers and users) to meet their respective needs with the support of flow and logistics based on the live broadcast platform. Tries to take Taobao live broadcast as an example, based on the business model canvas model analysis of live broadcast with goods business model. It is found in the study that there are some problems in the current business model of Taobao live broadcast, such as serious homogenization of content, single means of stimulation, two levels of anchors, fake goods in live broadcast, false publicity, and low lasting influence of live broadcast. In view of the above problems, suggestions on the optimization of its business model are put forward from platforms, anchors and regulatory authorities in order to get enlightenment and reference.
Key words: live with goods, business model, Taobao live, ecommerce live

一、引言 1
(一)选题背景 1
1、网购用户的增加 1
2、直播行业的兴起 1
(二)研究意义 1
1、理论意义 1
2、实践意义 2
二、相关概念与理论综述 2
(一)商业模式相关概念 2
(二)商业模式画布模型理论 3
(三)直播带货的定义 4
(四)直播带货商业模式相关研究 5
三、淘宝直播外部环境分析及概况 5
(一)淘宝直播外部环境分析 5
1、政策因素 5
2、经济因素 6
3、社会因素 7
4、技术因素 8
(二)淘宝直播综述 8
1、淘宝直播的发展 8
2、淘宝直播的行业地位 8
四、基于淘宝直播平台分析直播带货商业模式 10
(一)淘宝直播平台产品供给界面——价值主张 10
1、对供应商来说 10
2、对消费者来说 10
(二)淘宝直播平台资产管理界面 11
1、核心资源 11
2、关键业务 12
(三)淘宝直播平台客户界面 13
1、客户细分 13
2、渠道通路 13
3、客户关系 14
(四)淘宝直播平台财务界面 15
1、成本结构 15
2、收入来源 15
(五)淘宝直播商业模式画布 15
五、淘宝直播带货商业模式的审视 16
(一)淘宝直播商业模式的优点 16
1、自带交易属性且转化率高 16
2、高效的“推销” 16
3、增强用户体验 16
(二)淘宝直播商业模式存在的问题 16
1、直播内容同质化,刺激手段单一 17
2、主播两级分化严重 17
3、假货频出,退货率居高不下 17
4、直播的影响力持续时间短 17
六、对淘宝直播带货商业模式的优化建议 18
(一)创新直播方法,保持个性风格 18
(二)扶持中小主播,提高主播专业化水平 18
(三)平台加强自身监管,相关部门严格监管 18
(四)主播、平台要甄选直播商品 19
(五)做好二次传播,扩大直播影响力 19
七、结论 19
参考文献 20


