

全文字数:15000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


Study on the Problem of "Same Work and Different Pay" in Labor Dispatching under the Background of Dual Labor System
China has experienced the socialist wave of reform and opening up and completed the major transformation from a planned economy system to a socialist market economy system. In this context, in order to meet the needs of flexible labor employment in the socialist market economy, the dual-track labor employment system arises at the historic moment, and the labor dispatch system is also constantly improving and developing. Although the basic principle of "equal pay for equal work" has been made clear in the labor law, the problem of different pay for equal work appears frequently in real life. Dispatched employees are faced with a large gap in pay and benefits, abnormal promotion mechanism, labor union into difficulties and other problems, which violated the legitimate labor rights and interests of dispatched employees, resulting in a decline in labor enthusiasm, affecting the production efficiency of enterprises may eventually lead to a harmonious relationship of social relations. This paper starts with the present situation and disadvantages of unequal pay for equal work, analyzes the causes of it, and puts forward some Suggestions to solve the problem of unequal pay for equal work from the aspects of laws and regulations, clear definition of concept, employing enterprises, workers, trade unions, labor departments, etc.
Keywords:dual-track system of employment; Labor dispatch; Different pay for equal work
目  录
一、绪论 1
(一)选题背景及意义 1
1.选题背景 1
2.意义 2
(二)研究方法 2
1.文献分析法 2
2.数据分析法 2
3.比较分析法 2
二、相关概念界定 2
(一)用工双轨制 3
(二)劳务派遣 3
(三)同工不同酬 3
三、用工双轨制背景下同工不同酬的现状及其弊端 3
(一)用工双轨制背景下同工不同酬的现状 4
1.劳务派遣员工与正式员工之间薪酬福利差距过大 4
2.劳务派遣人员无法享受到正常的晋升机制 5
3.关于“同工同酬”在立法方面的缺失 5
4.劳务派遣人员难以进入工会 6
(二)用工双轨制背景下同工不同酬的弊端 6
1.损害劳务派遣人员的合法劳动权益 6
2.影响企业的生产效率 7
3.影响和谐的社会关系的稳定 7
四、用工双轨制背景下同工不同酬存在的原因 8
(一)劳务派遣人员权益意识薄弱 8
(二)企业降低生产成本的选择 9
(三)劳动部门监管不到位 9
(四)同工不同酬在法律界定上的模糊 9
(五)工会职能的缺失 10
五、对同工不同酬问题的建议性措施 10
(一)劳务派遣人员通过合法手段维护自身权益 10
1.签订正规的劳动合同 10
2.学习相关法律常识 11
(二)企业需要制定合理的薪酬福利和晋升机制 11
(三)加强劳动部门监察力度 11
(四)明确“同工”“同酬”的定义并完善“同工同酬”相关法规 12
1.首先要明确“同工”的标准 12
2.明确“同酬”的标准 12
3.完善“同工同酬”相关法规 12
(五)充分发挥工会保护劳动者合法权益的职能 13
参考文献 14

