

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





Discussion on Geography Teaching in Junior Middle Schools Based on the Core Quality of Geography
 Abstract: Geography, as a basic subject for students' knowledge learning in junior middle school education,which is of great significance in cultivating students' cognition, culture, and thinking. Regarding the training strategy of the core literacy of geography for junior middle school students, teachers have not carefully studied its connotation, formulated teaching programs that meet the educational requirements.And they failed to effectively promote the students’ internal literacy and overall development. The continuous deepening of education reforms require changes in education and teaching activities to meet the requirements of student development in the new era. This requires teachers to pay attention to the completion of tasks, but also to cultivate students’ understanding, thinking, and abilities when making teaching plans.Develope a variety of teaching methods to deal with the problems faced in the teaching process and improve teaching, and then make students develop into fully-developed people with core geography literacy. It is an inevitable requirement of modern teaching to permeate the core literacy of geography into the junior middle school geography classroom. Discuss how to infiltrate the core literacy of geography in an all-round and proper way. On the one hand, it can improve the quality of education and teaching, and on the other hand, it is conducive to the improvement of students' comprehensive abilities in geography and promotes the overall development of students. Therefore, in view of the current situation of junior high school geography classrooms, this article adopts literature research method, action research method, and quantitative analysis method. In the form of enumerating cases, the paper puts forward the strategy of improving the teaching concept, method and mode of geography class in junior middle school.

 Keywords: geography core literacy; junior middle school geography; classroom teaching

目    录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 概述 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2 研究综述和主要方法 2
1.2.1 研究综述 2
1.2.2 主要方法 4
1.3 主要内容和结构安排 4
1.3.1 主要内容 4
1.3.2 结构安排 4
2 初中课堂地理核心素养发展情况调查 5
2.1 调查内容的制定 5
2.1.1 学生问卷内容制定 5
2.1.2 教师访谈内容制定 5
2.2 调查对象的选择与数据收集 6
2.3 调查与访谈结果分析 6
2.3.1 地理实践活动不足 6
2.3.2 学生对综合思维认识不透彻 7
2.3.3 区域认知方法掌握程度低 8
2.3.4 人地协调观地位被忽视 9
3 初中地理课堂落实地理核心素养教学改革的建议 10
3.1 以学生为主体,培养地理实践力 10
3.2 灵活设立问题,培养综合思维 11
3.3 组织学生探究,提升区域认知能力 12
3.4 科学理解人与自然,培养人地协调观 13
4 关于地理核心素养培养的初中地理教学设计 14
4.1 课程标准及解读 14
4.2 教材分析 14
4.3 学情分析 14
4.4 教学目标 14
4.5 教学重难点 15
4.6 教学方法 15
4.7 教学过程 15
5 结语 17
参考文献 19
附录 21
附录1 调查问卷样本 21
附录2 教师访谈提纲 21

