氮元素是联结各大圈层的重要元素,是人类生存所必需的元素之一。为了进一步统计我国人口密集地区的河流氮收支的现状以深入了解各区域人为活动对生态系统中的氮素循环造成的影响,故本次研究选择了人口较为密集的淮河流域区,以该流域内污染较为严重的贾鲁河流域作为本次河流氮收支的研究对象,本研究借助贾鲁河流域2020年沿岸各地区统计年鉴的基本统计数据,计算贾鲁河流域的氮收支现状。根据相关数据计算的结果表明,贾鲁河流域总氮输入量高达163273.4t(流域内N输入通量为27692.2 kg N km-2 a-1),其中人畜排泄氮是贾鲁河流域的最大氮输入源,占流域总氮输入量的33.03%;流域内第二大氮输入源化肥氮占流域总氮输入量的32.95%;大气沉降氮占流域总氮输入量的21.6%;生物固定氮占流域总氮输入量的6.9%;进口种子氮占流域总氮输入量的4.6%;工业污水排放氮占流域总氮输入量的0.9%。贾鲁河流域的总氮输出量为123356.51t(流域内N输出通量为20922.1 kg N km-2 a-1),其中作物收获是贾鲁河流域最大的氮输出源,作物收获占总输出量的35.5%;排放到水体中的氮占总输出量的34.4%;反硝化占总输出量的15.2%;氨挥发占总输出量的14.9%。依据流域内各省市统计年鉴数据推算出贾鲁河流域氮收支的各方面占比,为防治贾鲁河流域氮污染提供理论基础。
Estimation of nitrogen budget and its environmental effects in the Jialu River Basin
Abstract: Nitrogen is one of the essential elements for human survival, and it is an important element to link each layer. In order to study the present situation of ni-trogen budget of rivers in densely populated areas of China and to understand the impacts of human activities on nitrogen cycling in ecosystems in different areas, therefore, this study selected the densely populated Huai River River Basin, and took the seriously polluted Jialu River Basin as the study object of this river nitrogen budget, in this study, the nitrogen budget of the Jialu River basin was calculated by using the basic statistical data of the statistical yearbook of the Jialu River Basin in 2020. Based on the data, it appears, the total nitrogen input in the Jialu River Basin was as high as 163273.4 tons (N input flux was 27692.2 kg N km-2 year-1) , the total nitrogen input accounted for 33.03% , the second largest source of nitrogen input accounted for 32.95% , the total nitrogen input accounted for 21.6% , and the total nitrogen input accounted for 6.9% Imported seed nitrogen accounted for 4.6% of total nitrogen input and industrial wastewater nitrogen accounted for 0.9% of total nitrogen input. The total nitrogen output was 123356.51 tons (N output flux was 20922.1 kg N km-2 year-1) in the Jialu River Basin, The crop harvest was the largest source of nitrogen output, accounting for 35.5% of the total output Nitrogen, deni-trification and ammonia volatilization account for 34.4% , 15.2% and 14.9% respec-tively. According to the annual data of every province and city in the basin, the pro-portion of nitrogen budget was calculated, which provided the theoretical basis for controlling nitrogen pollution in the basin.
Keywords: The Jialu River Basin; Huai River; nitrogen budget
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1引言 1
1.1 背景和意义 1
1.2 研究综述和主要方法 1
1.3 主要内容和结构安排 3
1.3.1 主要内容 3
1.3.2 结构安排 3
2研究区域概况 4
2.1 贾鲁河自然概况 4
2.2 贾鲁河社会经济概况 4
2.3 研究区概况 4
3理论、方法和数据来源 5
3.1氮通量计算及数据来源 5
3.2 具体计算方法 5
3.2.1 氮输入 5
3.2.2 氮输出 8
4 结果与讨论 9
4.1 氮素输入 9
4.2 氮素支出 11
4.3 氮收支特征 13
4.4 措施 13
5 总结和展望 14