

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年






Under the influence of big data, companies need to adapt to the rapidly changing external environment and meet the needs of the company's internal development. Financial personnel need to participate in all aspects of the company's operation and management to help the company achieve higher value. Under the role of big data, financial sharing has proved to be an effective means, not only to reduce the cost of enterprises, improve the quality of accounting, but also to separate the work of accounting and management to achieve the goal of financial transformation.
This article uses the literature research method, case analysis method, and comparative analysis method to study the problems encountered in ZTE's financial transformation. First, the concept and related theories of big data and financial transformation are explained; secondly, the process of ZTE's financial transformation is introduced. And then through an inductive analysis of the development status of ZTE’s financial transformation, and finally a detailed analysis of the specific problems encountered in the process of ZTE’s financial transformation, combining relevant theories and knowledge to propose relevant solutions to reduce the company’s Unit costs, increase profit levels, enhance ZTE’s competitiveness, and promote better development of the company, and hope to provide reference for related companies that plan to implement financial transformation.
Keywords: Big date; Finance Shared Service Center; Financial transformation



目 录

引言 1
一、财务转型的相关概念与理论依据 1
(一)财务转型的相关概念 1
1.财务转型 1
2.大数据 2
3.财务共享服务 3
4.大数据下建立财务共享中心对财务转型的影响 3
(二)财务转型的理论依据 4
1.规模经济理论 4
2.流程再造理论 4
二、中兴通讯财务转型现状 4
(一)中兴通讯简介 4
(二)中兴通讯转型历程 5
1.中兴通讯转型之前财务发展模式 5
2.中兴通讯财务转型之后的财务发展模式 5
(三)中兴通讯财务转型后的发展现状分析 5
1.企业成本降低 6
2.工作效率提高 6
3.运营资金利用提升 7
三、中兴通讯财务转型中出现的问题 8
(一)企业内部财务信息化平台不统一 8
(二)财务与业务部门之间存在矛盾 8
(三)缺少复合型人才 9
(四)缺乏高效的数据利用率 9
(五)缺乏人才激励机制 9
四、中兴通讯财务转型中存在问题的解决对策 10
(一)建立统一的信息化平台,加强系统信息统一 10
(二)加强财务与业务的沟通,建立流程一体化 10
(三)引进和培养高素质的大数据人才 10
(四)提高数据的利用率,发挥管理者的职能 11
(五)完善薪酬绩效制度,全面提升员工积极性 11
结束语 11
参考文献 13

