新能源汽车作为国家战略性产业,已成为汽车产业转型发展的主要方向。近年来,新能源汽车产业高速发展,备受关注。新能源汽车是大势所趋,避无可避,若没有跟上市场的潮流,则会被温水煮青蛙,最终落得被淘汰出局的结果。2018年,行业开始进入洗牌期,对于自身不具备造血能力的“造车新势力”来说,融资难成为影响企业稳定发展的一大难题 。2020年,新冠疫情的爆发,更是令多家造车新势力企业接连陷入降薪、欠薪、裁员、停产等一系列风波。
As a national strategic industry, new energy automobile has become the main direction of automobile industry transformation and development. In recent years, the rapid development of new energy automobile industry has attracted much attention. New energy vehicles are the trend of the times. If they do not keep up with the trend of the market, they will be boiled with warm water and eventually eliminated. In 2018, the industry began to shuffle, for their own hematopoiesis does not have the ability to build a new force, financing difficulties become a major problem affecting the stable development of enterprises. In 2020, the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, but also a number of car-making new power enterprises into a series of wage cuts, unpaid wages, layoffs, shutdown and a series of storms.
By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the head representative of the new power of car building, this paper summarizes the desirable experience of the current financing strategy of the automobile, points out the main problems, finds a more reasonable financing structure, promotes its financing strategy to develop in a more stable way, provides a reference for similar financing problems encountered by other new energy automobile manufacturers, and speeds up the overtaking of China in the new energy vehicles.
Keywords: New energy vehicle; Financing strategy; NIO
引言 1
一、 融资策略理论概述 1
(一)融资策略概念 1
(二)主要融资方式 1
(三)基于生命周期的融资策略 2
二、蔚来汽车的融资条件分析 3
(一)蔚来汽车概况 3
(二)蔚来汽车融资的SWOT分析 3
1. 融资的优势分析(Strengths) 4
2. 融资的劣势分析(Weaknesses) 4
3. 融资的机会分析(Opportunities) 5
4. 融资的威胁分析(Threats) 5
三、蔚来汽车融资现状 6
(一) 风险投资融资情况 6
(二) 股权融资情况 7
(三) 债权融资情况 7
四、蔚来汽车现有融资策略的恰当性 9
(一) 基于财务风险视角分析 9
(二) 基于资金需求视角分析 10
五、 蔚来汽车融资策略的不足与优化 11
(一) 融资策略的不足 11
1. 缺乏内源融资 11
2. 债务性融资方式少 11
3. 短债长投 11
4. 融资缺乏合理规划 12
(二)融资策略的优化 12
1. 开源节流 13
2. 开拓债务性融资新方式 13
3. 匹配融资方式和投资项目 13
4. 培养专业化融资人才 13
结束语 14
参考文献 15