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全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





Property management has entered China for more than 30 years, property management has developed into a sunrise industry. With the progress of society and the development of science and technology, the living standards of Chinese residents are constantly improving, and the real estate industry is also developing rapidly, which puts forward higher requirements for the property. For the residential property, in the process of property service, there are many conflicts and disputes between the owners and the property company, affecting the relationship between the property company and the owners. For college property management, after the continuous deepening of college logistics socialization reform, the work of college property management has also been greatly improved and developed. And in colleges and universities, this place of teaching, property In addition to the function of ordinary property management, it also needs to undertake some education and research services, which also increases the difficulty of college property. In the property management, the contradiction between the property company and the owner has become the breakthrough point that the property company can better carry out the property service work, which is the focus of this research. At present, the property company and many owners have contradictions, resulting in a disharmonious relationship. The root cause of the property dispute is the unclear property rights. Need to understand the problems of property companies and residents, to establish a benign property management system.
Keywords: property company; contradiction; dispute; relationship; property management 

目  录

引言 1
一、物业公司与业主产生矛盾和纠纷关系,主要有三个方面的因素 1
(一)企业因素 1
(二)社会因素 2
(三)管理因素 2
二、对开来住宅小区的调查研究 2
(一)业主对小区整体物业管理工作情况的满意度 2
(二)业主、物业工作人员所反映的问题 3
1.业主向物业反馈问题渠道单一 3
2.“业主私人区域房屋质量问题应由谁解决”存在争议 3
3.停车场问题 3
4.业主缴纳物业服务费问题 3
5.业主与物业工作人员缺乏沟通 3
(三)为缓和矛盾和纠纷关系的措施 3
1.针对反馈渠道单一问题 3
2.针对区域房屋质量问题 3
3.针对停车场问题 3
4.针对物业服务费问题 4
5.针对业主与物业服务企业之间的沟通问题 4
(三)对开来住宅小区研究的总结 4
三、对吕梁学院明德物业的调查研究 5
(一)高校物业调查结果分析 5
(二)就访谈结果,对吕梁学院明德物业管理情况分析 6
(三)对明德物业研究的总结 7
四、物业公司与业主产生矛盾和纠纷关系的情况列举及其对策 7
(一)物业公司与业主产生矛盾和纠纷关系的情况列举 7
1.物业收费难问题 7
2. 物业所辖区域内公共配套设施的权属问题 7
3. 业主购买房屋存在工程质量问题 8
4. 物业工作人员服务不到位,业主问题得不到及时处理的问题 8
5. 物业公司与业主缺乏有效沟通的问题 8
(二)缓和物业公司和业主矛盾和纠纷关系的对策 9
1.针对物业收费难的对策 9
2. 针对物业所辖区域内公共配套设施权属问题的对策 9
3.针对业主购买房屋存在工程质量问题的对策 9
4.针对物业工作人员服务不到位,业主问题得不到及时处理的对策 9
5. 针对物业公司与业主缺乏有效沟通的对策 10
五、关于解决物业公司与业主之间矛盾和纠纷关系的建议 10
(一)加快健全完善物业管理法规政策体系 10
(二)建立物业管理矛盾纠纷协调制度及相关机制 10
(三)加强物业管理市场监制,积极开展品牌建设活动,努力提高物业管理行业整体水平 10
结束语 11

