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全文字数:18000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年






     In recent years, my country's short video industry has developed rapidly. Short videos have greatly met people's needs due to their fragmentation, combination of audio and video, and easy sharing and dissemination. The rapid expansion of short video users has brought huge commercial value to enterprises, and short video marketing has become a new trend. In this context, the impact of short video marketing on consumer buying behavior has great value for attention. This paper conducts a survey and research on college students. By selecting the four dimensions of instantaneousness, pertinence, interactivity and interest in short video marketing characteristics as independent variables, and selecting customer perceived value as an intermediary variable, it explores its impact on college student consumer purchases. The influence of behavior. In the research method, we choose the combination of qualitative and quantitative research. First, we review and summarize the existing literature research, and then use SPSS23 software to carry out descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, mediation analysis and other empirical analysis research. Finally, according to the research conclusions, it provides practical suggestions for enterprises to carry out short video marketing, and provides suggestions for enterprises.

Key words: short video, short video marketing, customer perceived value, consumer buying behavior

目 录

1引言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究意义 1
1.2.1理论意义 1
1.2.2现实意义 1
1.3研究内容 2
1.4研究方法与技术路线 2
1.4.1文献研究法 2
1.4.2问卷调查法 3
1.4.3统计分析法 3
1.5研究的创新点 4
2文献综述 5
2.1核心概念 5
2.1.1短视频 5
2.2.2短视频营销 5
2.3.3消费者购买行为 5
2.2国内外研究现状 6
2.2.1短视频 6
2.2.2短视频营销 6
2.3研究评述 7
3研究设计 7
3.1研究思路 7
3.2研究假设 8
3.2.1短视频营销与消费者感知价值的关系 8
3.2.2消费者感知价值与消费者网络购买行为的关系 8
3.3问卷调查分析 10
3.3.1研究工具 10
3.3.2 研究对象 10
3.3.3数据分析方法 11
4.实证分析 11
4.1样本数据的描述性统计分析 11
4.2问卷的信度与效度分析 14
4.3相关分析 15
4.3.1短视频营销特征与消费者感知价值变量相关分析 15
4.3.2消费者感知价值与消费者购买行为相关分析 16
4.4回归分析 17
4.4.1短视频营销特征变量与消费者感知价值回归分析 17
4.4.2消费者感知价值中介变量与消费者购买行为回归分析 18
4.5中介效应分析 18
4.6研究结果分析 20
4.6.1研究假设的验证结果 20
4.6.2短视频营销对消费者购买行为影响结果探讨 20
5结论与展望 21
5.1研究结论 21
5.2营销建议 22
5.3不足与展望 22

