

全文字数:8000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





 Bamboo flute is one of the traditional Chinese musical instruments. In the performance art of Chinese bamboo flute, the sound quality is an important factor to determine the performance level. Many students majoring in bamboo flute don't pay attention to the control of timbre, but only pay attention to the playing of notes. In view of this situation, the author takes the bamboo flute solo "little cow" as an example to study the timbre supporting elements in bamboo flute music, mainly from the following aspects: first, the overview of timbre; 2、 Objective factors mainly from the flute film factors, the degree of dry and wet air, the environment around the performance site to explore the influence of timbre; 3、 The supporting elements of timbre in the performance of "little cattle herding" are mainly explored from the control of breath, the use of tongue, the player's sense of music and the change of oral cavity.
Key words: bamboo flute; Tone; elements

目 录

引言 1
一、音色的概述 1
二、 客观因素对竹笛音色的影响 1
(一)笛膜因素对音色的影响 1
(二)空气的干湿程度对音色的影响 2
(三)演奏场地周围环境对音色的影响 2
三、竹笛作品《小放牛》演奏时音色的支撑要素 2
(一) 《小放牛》作品简介 2
(二)舌头对竹笛音色的影响 2
(三)气息的控制对音色的影响 4
(四)演奏者乐感好坏对竹笛音色的影响 5
(五) 口腔变化对竹笛音色的影响 5
1.口风角度对竹笛音色的影响 5
2. 口劲对竹笛音色影响 6
结语 7
参考文献 8

