

全文字数:16000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



日本作家山田宗树的小说《被嫌弃的松子的一生》,是当代日本小说的代表之一, 出版以来,读者颇多,影响很大。所以如此,在于该小说的美学传统体现了日本独特的“阴翳”审美的基本特征。阴翳美学的核心特点在于它对生命和自然关系的处置方式和思维,典型表现了日本民族的心理机制和内在性。文章主要分为三部分,首先论述无常与阴翳的内涵,并对两者之间的联系进行了揭示,让我们感受到浓浓的无常感与阴翳之美;其次重点论述生死意味,用较大篇幅进行了详细的描述;第三部分论述人生体验与日本审美残酷性,通过文本案例,探究日本文学生命精神的一些侧面。


The life of the abandoned pine nut, written by Japanese writer Tsutsuki Yamada, is one of the representatives of contemporary Japanese novels. Therefore, the aesthetic tradition of the novel reflects the basic characteristics of Japanese unique "shadow" aesthetics. The core feature of shadow aesthetics lies in its way of dealing with and thinking about the relationship between life and nature, which typically shows the psychological mechanism and internality of the Japanese nation. The article is mainly divided into three parts. Firstly, it discusses the connotation of impermanence and shadow, and reveals the relationship between them, so that we can feel the beauty of impermanence and shadow; Secondly, it focuses on the meaning of life and death, and gives a detailed description with a large space; The third part discusses the life experience and Japanese aesthetic cruelty, and explores some aspects of the life spirit of Japanese literature through text cases.
Keywords: aesthetic appreciation of Yin Yi, impermanence, the life of theabandoned pine nut, praise of Yin Yi

目 录
引言 1
一、“无常”与“阴翳” 1
(一)无常的人生 2
(二)无常渗透下的“阴翳”之美 4
二、 “生死意味”与“阴翳” 6
(一)生的意味 6
(二)纯真生命的美学意味 7
(三)死亡意识的体现 8
(四)性爱,生与死的中介 11
三、丑与残忍的人生体验 12
(一)以丑为美,以恶为美 12
(二)极端残酷的人生体验 14
结语 14
参考文献 17

