

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





In today’s society, with the rapid advancement of ideas and the rapid development of science and technology, the term EQ has received more and more attention. EQ can also be referred to as "emotional intelligence". It is slowly becoming an indispensable ability for students to develop in an all-round way, so it is also for education. Workers bring new challenges. Aiming at the problem of EQ education for junior high school students, it is analyzed that the EQ problem of junior high school students is specifically reflected in their lack of self-cognition ability, self-emotion adjustment ability, anti-frustration ability and interpersonal ability, and further found that the lack of EQ of junior high school students The reason lies in the family and school. Finally, corresponding solutions are proposed, including EQ education in the family, infiltration of EQ education through theme classes, use of the curriculum resources of junior high school ethics and rule of law to cultivate students’ EQ, and home-school cooperation to improve education. Quality and efficiency are the purpose of promoting students to become high-quality talents with all-round development.
Keywords:EQ education;Junior middle school students;Path study

目 录

引言 1
一、情商教育概述 1
(一)情商教育的概念 1
(二)情商教育的主要内容 1
1.自我认知教育 1
2.情绪调控教育 1
3.自我激励教育 2
4.抗挫折教育 2
5.人际关系调节教育 2
二、情商教育的现状及初中生存在的情商问题 2
(一)情商教育的现状 2
(二)初中生存在的情商问题 2
1.缺乏自我认知 3
2.缺乏调节自我情绪的能力 3
3.抗挫折能力低下 3
4.难以正确协调人际关系 3
三、初中生情商缺失的原因分析 4
(一)家庭方面 4
1.家庭教育氛围不和谐 4
2.父母与孩子的沟通方式不当 4
(二)学校方面 5
1.学校重视力度不足 5
2.教师缺乏情商教育理念 5
3.班主任班级管理风格单一 5
四、初中生情商教育的路径研究 6
(一)在家庭中进行情商教育 6
1.注重家庭互动 6
2.给孩子独立的机会 6
3.让孩子学会思考 6
(二)通过主题班会进行情商教育渗透 7
1.创新班会形式 7
2.丰富班会内容 7
3.改变班会任务 8
(三)在初中道德与法治课中培养学生情商 9
1.开发教材中的情商教育资源 9
2.创设和谐的道德与法治课堂氛围 10
3.充实道德与法治课教学中对学生的评估内容 10
(四)加强家校合作 10
1.班主任要督促家长加强对孩子的理解 11
2.班主任要提示家长重视挫折教育 11
结束语 11
参考文献 12

