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全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





With the advancement of urbanization and the rapid development of social economy, the price of houses in our country is constantly rising. For many people, it is difficult to buy houses. Therefore, under the pressure of buying houses, a large number of people tend to rent houses. Housing is the main lifestyle group. However, there are still some thorny problems in the field of rental housing. The most common contradiction is information asymmetry between landlords and tenants: First, landlords generally entrust housing to real estate agencies and do not actually know the rental market, so it is impossible to make a reasonable and accurate assessment of the rent of the rental housing. Second, the information obtained by the tenant through the rental agency is modified and beautified, so it is not easy to find a housing that perfectly matches their rental expectations and is more cost-effective The problem of information asymmetry has produced many undesirable effects, which not only wastes rental housing resources, but also causes fluctuations in the rental market and breaks its stability. Therefore, this article establishes a housing rent prediction model and conducts research on the model. The aim is to analyze the existing rental market’s housing rent form through the prediction effect obtained after constructing the model, so as to better grasp the pulse of housing rental market price changes and make All aspects of the problem can be solved easily. Based on nearly 200,000 samples, this paper conducts data processing and establishes multiple linear regression, neural network, and random forest models, compares their prediction accuracy, and selects the best model.
Keywords: big data, predictive models, model comparison

1 绪论 7
1.1 研究目的及意义 7
1.2 国内外研究现状 7
1.2.1 国外研究现状 7
1.2.2 国内研究现状 8
1.3 文献综述总结 9
1.3.1 预测模型总结 9
1.3.2 发展情况总结 10
2 研究内容、方法与分析框架 11
2.1 研究内容 11
2.2 研究方法 11
2.3 技术路线图 12
3 数据获取与处理 13
3.1 数据基本情况 13
3.2 数据预处理 14
3.2.1 变量选择 14
3.2.2 剔除重复数据 14
3.2.3 删除无效变量 15
3.2.4 补充缺失值 15
3.2.5 替换异常值 20
3.3 变量分析 16
3.3.1 描述统计 16
3.3.2 相关性分析 18
3.2.3 数据标准化 20
3.4 划分训练集与测试集 20
4 建立模型 21
4.1 线性回归 21
4.2 神经网络 22
4.3 随机森林 22
4.3.1随机森林算法概述 22
4.3.2 随机森林算法特征 23
4.4 模型总结 23
5 模型比较及结论 24
6 存在问题及发展趋势 26
6.1 存在问题 26
6.2 发展趋势 26
参考文献 27

