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全文字数:18000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





关键词: 本科生    职业决策自我效能感    职业决策困难  职业决策
The concept of difficulty in making career decisions is a difficult problem that individuals encounter when making career decisions. It can be roughly classified into three aspects: lack of preparation, lack of information, and inconsistent information. It is very important for undergraduate students to choose their first career when they enter the workplace. Nowadays, there are many difficulties for college students to make career decisions. Therefore, this study explores the relationship between career decision-making difficulties and self-efficacy, and strives to find out the specific influencing factors and mechanism of career decision-making difficulties, so as to put forward some useful suggestions for undergraduates' career guidance.
In this study, decision-making self-efficacy was selected as the independent variable and career decision-making difficulty as the dependent variable. Through the Career Exploration and Career Decision-making Self-efficacy Scale (short version) (R.W.Lent et al. 2015) and the Career Decision-making Difficulty Questionnaire (Liu Changjiang, 2005), a questionnaire survey was conducted on the universities in Beijing from 2017 to 2019 according to the proportion. Based on the results, the possible relationship between the two was analyzed and the following conclusions were drawn:
First, the current career decision-making difficulty score of undergraduates is below the medium level. From high to low, the top three are subjective judgment of career decision-making difficulty, lack of understanding of career and lack of motivation. The bottom three are lack of understanding of oneself, external conflict and lack of understanding of other information.
Secondly, single-factor ANOVA was used to study the gender of the subjects, whether they were 985/211 or not, and the year of enrollment. The results showed that although there was no significant difference in the total table of career decision-making difficulties, different variables showed significant differences in different factors of career decision-making difficulties.
Thirdly, SPSS software is used to study the relationship between career decision-making self-efficacy and career decision-making difficulties through Pearson correlation analysis.




keyword :undergraduate   Career decision-making self-efficacy
          Difficulty in making career decisions
career decision-making  
摘要 4
第一章 引言 9
第二章    文献综述 10
2.1概念 10
2.1.1决策自我效能 10
2.1.2职业决策困难 10
2.2研究对象与方法 11
2.2.1研究对象 11
2.2.2研究方法 11
2.2.3职业决策自我效能评测方法 12
2.2.4职业决策困难的评测方式 12
2.3研究进展 13
2.4   问题提出 16
2.4.1以往研究中的问题 16
2.4.2研究目的 16
2.4.3研究意义 16
第三章  研究设计 17
3.1研究对象 17
3.2研究工具 18
3.2.1职业决策自我效能的测量 18
3.2.2职业决策困难的测量 18
第四章   数据分析 18
4.1数据处理 18
4.2数据分析 19
4.2.1大学生职业决策困难的总体特点 19
4.2.3本科生职业决策困难人口统计学变量分析 21
4.2.4职业决策自我效能感与职业决策困难二者的关系 25
第五章  结果讨论 26
5.1本科生职业决策困难的总体特点 26
5.2职业决策困难在人口学特征上的差异 27
第六章  结论建议 28
6.1结论 28
6.2建议 28
6.2.1 28
6.2.2 29
6.2.3 29
6.2.4 29
第七章  不足与展望 29

