

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


跳远运动员助跑的准确性如何直接影响到比赛的胜负,所以研究分析影响助跑准确性的因素以及如何提高运动员助跑准确性具有实际重要的意义。现代跳远运动的特点正朝着助跑速度快、准确性高的方向发展, 然而, 受一些传统观念影响, 教练员们总是从速度、力量及技术的角度考虑各环节的训练内容。随着田径训练理论的不断更新和充实, 要求教练员更要注重助跑速度和准确性的训练。本文通过文献法和实验法针对这个问题进行了分析。
关键词:助跑 准确性 起跳 速度
Affect the accuracy of long-jump run-up factor 
Abstract: Long-Jumpers'Running the accuracy to have a direct impact on the outcome of the competition. Therefore, impact analysis approach accuracy of the factors and how to enhance the accuracy of athletes approach with practical significance. Modern features of the long jump is moving fast run-up, high accuracy in the direction of development, however, by some traditional concepts, the coaches always speed, strength and technical point of view the various components of the training content. With athletic training theory constantly updated and strengthened, the coaches requested pay more attention to running speed and accuracy of the training. Through literature and experimental method in addressing the problem of analysis.
Keywords: Approach  Accuracy  Takes off  Speed

