
日本汽车产业分析及其 对我国汽车产业发展的启示

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



关键词:日本;汽车产业;分析; 启示

Analysis of the Japanese Automobile Industry
 and Inspiration For Chinese Automobile Industry

Abstract: Although heavily inflicted in WWII, Japan rise to world’s second most powerful nation in merely 50years. However, the Japanese automobile industry, which was taken as a great honor, stakes its economic development. In the early days of automobile industry development, Japanese Government took what kind of measures to forester the domestic industry. How did Japanese automobile industry respond in accordance with the changes of customers’ minds, sales marketing as well as international environment? How can it inspire the Chinese automobile industry to deal with the present conditions that it started late but speeds up in development? And how can the Chinese automobile industry develop in the right way?
Key words:Japan; automobile industry; analysis ; inspiration


目    录

一、日本汽车产业简介 1
二、日本汽车产业的市场构造 2
三、环境变化和竞争构造 4
(一) 消费者行动的变化 4
(二) 石油危机 5
(三) 全球化的发展 6
四、营销战略的展开 7
(一) 产品战略的展开 7
(二) 销售渠道、价格以及销售促进战略的展开 10
五、日本汽车产业带给中国的几点思考与启示 12
(一) 入世后中国汽车产业发展的简要回顾 12
(二) 中日汽车的不同道路 14
(三) 给中国汽车的启示 16
(四) 对中国汽车发展方向的几条建议 17
六、结束语 20
参考文献 21


