
银达科技担保投资有限公司 人力资源管理存在的问题与对策研究

全文字数:16000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


本文广州番禺银达科技担保投资有限公司(以下简称:番禺银达公司)人员为研究对象,主要针对该公司人员责任心不强、工作激情不高、归属感不强、创新能力较差流动性较高以及对公司忠诚度不高等的问题进行探讨。通过访谈等方法,对现阶段公司所有人员的需求及满足状况进行剖析,在分析其存在的问题的基础上,提出在薪酬设计、绩效考核、培训与职业生涯发展等方面优化设计的激励对策。希望能对番禺银达公司的人力资源管理改善现状有一定的作用,从而调动起人员工作的积极性,加强责任心,服务意识及及执行力使其充分发挥潜力,为公司的生存和发展做出贡献。关键词(本论文范文的主要论点)公司人员;激励;职业生涯发展ABSTRACTThis article regards the employees of the Guangzhou Pnayu Yinda Sci-Tech Guarantee Investment Co.,Ltd as the research object, focus on the problems that the employees’ enthusiasm and competitive shortage, through talking to the employees, and presents the existing problems in the current motivation policies through analyzing the demands of the employees and how much they are fulfilled at present . Base on the analysis, the paper optimizes a set of motivations, which include the motivating of compensation, performance appraisal, training and career development, etc. The result of this text have sure guidance functions to perfect staff motivation and mobilize the employees’ work enthusiasm, and contribute for the existence and development of the company.KEY WORDSemployees;motivation;career development 

