

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


先秦诸子著作中孔子形象比较摘要:孔子作为春秋战国时期著名的文学家、思想家、教育家,他的身影频繁地出现在孔子以后的先秦诸子的著作中。但是,孔子的形象却因为各种原因一再变异转变,从诸子的著作中我们可以发现描述迥异的孔子形象。本文试通过比较先秦诸子著作中孔子形象,分析诸子著作中孔子形象变异原因,并寻求诸子学说对待孔子思想的基本态度。关键词(本论文范文的主要论点):孔子形象 先秦诸子 研究比较Comparison of the Image of Confucius in the Articles of Pre-Qin PhilosophersAbstract: As famous artist, ideologist and educator, Confucius has been mentioned in the articles of pre-Qin philosophers frequently. But for several reasons, the image of Confucius transformed again and again. So we can find quiet different descriptions of Confucius in these articles. The author tried to analyze the cause of transformation Confucius’ image and find out the basic attitude of these philosophers to Confucius’ thought through comparing Confucius’ image in pre-Qin philosophers’ articles.Keywords: Confucius’ image pre-Qin philosophers comparison studying正文目录一、亲亲师长:《论语》中的孔子形象Ⅰ-3二、由君子到圣人:《孟子》中的孔子形象Ⅰ-4三、德与周公齐,名与三王并:《荀子》中的孔子形象… Ⅰ-4四、“道”的卫士:《庄子》中的孔子形象Ⅰ-5五、蛊世之人:《墨子》中的孔子形象Ⅰ-7六、“法治”先锋:《韩非子》中的孔子形象Ⅰ-8 

