

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


关于《诗经关雎》为中国第一首校园歌曲推想摘要:《诗经关雎》是《诗经》开篇,它是中国的第一首爱情诗歌。对于西周时期,当时的婚姻和教育状况,还有普遍的人民群众的知识文化背景,《诗经关雎》也极有可能是中国的第一首校园歌曲。本文就是对于《诗经关雎》是中国第一首校园歌曲的推想。对于西周的教育史和婚姻史,以及西周礼制学制等级制度上加以推想推论,以说明《诗经关雎》所代表和表现的一个时代的一段时间里的校园文化,校园氛围。进而说明了《诗经关雎》是最早校园歌曲的推想。 关键词(本论文范文的主要论点): 校园歌曲 婚姻 教育 爱情The book of poetry: GuanJU is the first chinese campus songs deduceAbstract: The book of poetry: GuanJU is the first article in the book of poetry.The book of poetry: GuanJU is china's first love poetry. Comprehensive discussing the backgroud of creation about The book of poetry: GuanJU from the education, marriage and the rules of propriety of XiZhou,it is reasonable that The book of poetry: GuanJU is the first chinese campus songs deduce. It is the education of XiZhou that gives the sleight of creation about The book of poetry: GuanJU, and it is the marriage of XiZhou that gives the content of creation about The book of poetry: GuanJU.AT last,it has some strong real meanings that reflect the soundless rebellion about the rules of propriety of XiZhou and the expectation about the beautful free love.It is the rules of propriety of XiZhou to be the intension of The book of poetry: GuanJU. Keywords:XiZhou education marriage lovecampus songs正文目录一、《诗经关雎》诗文梗概与校园歌曲和校园文化阐释………………Ⅰ-1二、《诗经关雎》诗文阐释、情境及意向的分析解释………………………Ⅰ2-4三、西周婚姻制度与《诗经关雎》内容的关系,研究以及阐释…………Ⅰ5-6四、西周礼制伦理古法和等级制度与《诗经关雎》内涵的关系、研究以及阐释…Ⅰ7五、西周教育制度与《诗经关雎》的创作形式的关系,研究及其阐释……Ⅰ8-9六、总结阐释关于《诗经关雎》是中国第一首校园歌曲的推想的意义,研究内涵……Ⅰ-10 

