

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


摘要随着山东省经济实力的不断增强,居民的收入日益提高,我省汽车销售也得到了长足的发展,汽车作为代步工具也开始走进普通的工薪家庭。润华集团是山东省内经营规模最大、服务理念先进、服务设施一流、服务功能齐全、资产信用状况良好的汽车流通服务企业。其销售模式有优势也有劣势,分析润华集团的汽车营销现状对省内其他汽车企业也有借鉴意义。本文通过对山东汽车销售行业及山东省润华集团汽车销售公司的调查,收集了大量行业内资料,在此基础上分析了目前山东润华集团几种主要的汽车营销模式,并运用SOWT分析理论对润华汽车营销现状进行了剖析,进而提出了改进润华集团营销策略的具体建议。关键词(本论文范文的主要论点): 汽车销售;SOWT分析;营销对策ABSTRACTWith the growing economic strength of Shandong province, car sales in our province have also been substantial development, automobile began as a means of transport into the ordinary working families. Runhua Group is the largest operation in Shandong province, advanced service concept, service facilities are first class, full service functions, assets in good standing of vehicles in circulation services company. The sales model has advantages and disadvantages, of the Group's automotive marketing Runhua status quo in the province of other car companies also have reference. Based on the car sales industry in Shandong and Shandong Province, car sales Runhua Group's survey, collecting a large number of industry data, in this based on the analysis of the current group of Shandong Runhua several major automobile marketing mode, and use SOWT theory on the current situation Runhua automobile marketing analysis, then presents a specific proposals to improve Runhua Group. Keywords:Car sales; SOWT analysis; Marketing strategy


目    录
摘要 I
一、前言 1
二、理论方法——SWOT分析 2
(一)优势与劣势分析(SW) 2
(二)机会与威胁分析(OT) 2
三、山东润华集团汽车营销概况 3
(一)4S专卖店模式 3
(二)汽车园区模式 3
(三)连锁经营模式 4
(四)汽车俱乐部模式 4
四、润华集团汽车营销现状的SWOT分析 5
(一)润华集团汽车营销优势 5
(二)润华集团汽车营销劣势 6
1.4S专卖店在发展中存在诸多问题 6
2.对农村市场重视不够 6
3.汽车营销服务功能不完善 6
(三)润华集团汽车营销机会 7
(四)润华集团汽车营销挑战 7
五、对润华集团汽车营销策略的建议 8
(一)倡导多元化的营销模式 8
(二)拓展农村汽车市场 8
(三)树立以“顾客为中心”的汽车营销理念 8
结论 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12

