

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


Exploring the Differences of Politeness Between Chinese and British Business CommunicationAbstract: It is commonly recognized that many people encounter the problem of culture conflicts in business communication between China and Britain due to the fact that many people are unfamiliar with each other’s culture background. They always feel confused to get rid of this problem. This paper first explores the significance of studying the differences of politeness culture between Chinese and British business communication. It then elaborates on three major cultural differences between Chinese and British business politeness: different views of interpersonal relationship, different values and different ways of thinking. The paper also mentions three problems that we need to pay attention to in communication. It finally discusses two ways of promoting intercultural communication in business area. Key words: politeness; culture; business communication


摘要: 在中英商务往来中, 人们很容易碰到文化冲突这一问题. 由于相互不熟悉对方的礼仪文化背景,在涉及到一些与礼仪文化冲突有关的问题时常会感到困惑.本文提出了学习中英商务礼仪差异的重要性;阐述了中英商务礼仪中的三大文化差异:即对人际关系的理解不同、价值取向不同和思维方式的不同;论述了在商务交往中要注重的三个问题;最后提出了进一步促进两国商务交往的两条途径和方法.
关键词: 礼仪;文化;商务交流 
目  录

Abstract iv
摘要 iv
Outline v
提纲 vi
1. Introduction  1
2. Three major cultural differences between Chinese and British business politeness.  1
2.1 The different understandings of interpersonal relationship. 1
2.2 The different values. 2
2. 3The different ways of thinking.  3
3. The problems that we need to pay attention to in communication.  4
3.1 Politeness in negotiation.  4
3.2 Politeness in entertainment. 5
3.3 Politeness in sending presents. 6
4. Two ways of promoting bilateral communication. 7
4.1 Learn from each other and respect each other's culture. 7
4.2 Adopt a correct attitude to the conflicts and differences between our own culture and foreign culture.  8
5. Conclusion  9
Works Cited  10

