

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


A Brief Study on National Characteristics of MetaphorMirrored in English and Chinese IdiomsAbstract: This paper first introduces the definition and features of idiom and metaphor; analyses the application of metaphor in idioms. It then elaborates how the national characteristics of metaphor are reflected in idioms and explores their culture origins. People in different countries and nations have different geographies, histories, religions, customs and so on, so their thinking methods are different from each other which lead to their respective national characteristics. It finally explores the significance of learning national characteristics of metaphor: to reduce pragmatic failures; to complement national characteristics and to promote intercultural communication.Key words: idioms; metaphor; national characteristics

摘要: 本文首先介绍了习语和隐喻的定义及特点,分析隐喻在习语中的应用。然后阐述隐喻的民族性在习语中是如何体现的,且探讨它的文化根源。不同国家,不同民族,由于地理环境、历史事件、宗教信仰、风俗习惯等因素的不同,人们思维方式也不同,因此隐喻具有一定的民族性。最后讨论了学习隐喻民族性的意义——学习习语中的隐喻民族性,减少语用失误;促进不同民族文化间的相互学习;促进跨文化交际。


