

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


On Face-threatening Acts in Sino-US Business Negotiations:Avoidance and Compensation StrategiesAbstract: In the business setting, whether a negotiator can go on successfully or not depends on how the Sino-US negotiators handle the intercultural communication process. Face and facework, one of the important cultural values, plays a vital role in such multinational contexts, because different cultures adopt different approaches toward face, and thus, different kinds of facework. This paper explores how different negotiation styles manifest the different attitudes toward and belief in face and different forms of facework, and how face-threatening acts occur to Chinese and American negotiators. Then, some avoidance and compensation strategies are put forward for dealing with such face-threatening acts.Key words: face culture; business negotiation style; suggestion


摘要: 中美商务谈判能否取得成功,在很多程度上取决于能否有效地进行跨文化交际。面子是文化的重要组成部分,不同文化有不同的面子观;在跨文化商务谈判中对面子的不同出来方式直接影响谈判的顺利与否。本文从中美之间的谈判风格角度探析中美面子观不同表现方式以及面子受损的后果及应对等。

